Our services


The lawyer's services include assistance in the correct formation of a package of necessary documents, processing deadlines, relocation planning, buying/selling/renting property, taxes, benefits, contracts and employment. The lawyer can also represent the client's interests in court, appeal against the actions and inactions of UVM officers, engage other experts if necessary, and advise on all issues of Russian legislation.

Migration specialist

A migration expert will help you to apply for a visa, residence permit, work permit, taxes and benefits, as well as provide information on residence and shift work. Migration expert will advise you and help you to fill in documents for registration and issuance of patents, temporary residence permits, residence permits, Russian citizenship, participation in the programme of resettlement of compatriots, granting the status of forced migrant and other issues related to state authorities.

Translation services

We offer translation and legalisation services for all types of documents. Notarial copies of documents, civil status documents, corporate documents, powers of attorney, extracts from legal registers and extracts from real estate registers - we can translate and legalise all of these for you.

Employment specialist

An employment specialist will help you find a decent job, compose a CV and cover letter, prepare for an interview and provide coaching and psychological support after you have started a new job or adapted.

He has an excellent knowledge of labour legislation, personnel records management procedures and modern methods of personnel assessment. The specialist focuses on the interests of employees and is ready to provide initial consultation, draft a CV and cover letter, develop a job search strategy tailored to the client's needs, prepare for the interview and provide coaching or psychological support (before leaving for a new job or after leaving - during the adaptation period).

Prices for services

The cost of basic consultation is 50 euros or 5000 roubles
The cost of document diagnostics is 20 euros or 2000 roubles

You can pay for our services from anywhere in the world in a way that is convenient for you.

Our goal

The company strives to help clients resolve any legal, migration and labour issues. Specialists are ready to provide an individual approach and quality support to each client.

Useful resources

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