"Window to Russia" is a project for organised relocation from Germany and EU countries
to Central Russia, the Urals and the Altai Mountains

You're the ones Russia needs

Bright minds are in high demand. New Russia is waiting for German order, French sophistication, and Italian cheerfulness.

Russia is welcoming its people back. It is open to new people — open to you. The country has enough resources to build a new world. And we need a powerful team.
those who left for Europe from 1990 to 2020 would like to return to Russia

* according to the Roscongress Foundation (2022)

We transport lives and destinies.

Without stress, we accompany you throughout the entire move and solve your life tasks, ensuring psychological and emotional comfort during the process

Remote document processing.

Certificates, registration, residence permit, assistance in obtaining citizenship. Requirements for documents, notarized translation. We conduct an assessment of your situation, eliminate discrepancies and prepare applications that are guaranteed to pass inspections. Within a short timeframe, you will receive ready-made documents. 

Providing employment before departure.

We will find a job that matches your experience, qualifications, and salary expectations. For highly qualified specialists, relocation may be covered by the employer. We only offer positions from reputable and trustworthy companies. We can also offer options for starting your own business with reliable partners from our network.

Keeping families united.

To ensure that your parents live near you, we are implementing a social project — a complex of infrastructure for the elderly, with accommodation, care and medical services.

Chat with an expert

We invite partners and strategic investors.

Join our community! Your professional and personal qualities (talents) are highly valued in the development of our community life in Russia. By uniting and contributing your personal and/or financial resources, we are creating projects for a new type of society together. 

Discuss partnership

Processes are completely transparent.

You are filling out a form

Identify your situation and ask the questions that are important to you

We offer a strategy

We communicate with you, verify your data, discuss details. We take on complex cases.
In confusing situations, we will help you find a non-obvious solution

Payment only for actions

You pay nothing until the documents are accepted for processing

We conduct a diagnostics of each document

Migration expert checks documents for validity, errors, etc. A work plan is formed.

We are signing a contract with you

Step-by-step we prescribe each stage of work, terms, cost and fix the responsibility.
We only start working when we are sure of the result.

The documents are assigned for processing

We inform you online about each stage in real time


Paperwork is in order, related issues have been resolved. Congratulations!

Moving as a community,
not alone

We create a community of people with a Russian-speaking mentality and accumulated experience of living in Europe, which you can implement in Russia.

You are moving together with like-minded people. And in your new place, you will be met by people who have already moved from Europe and are interested in developing this community.

We have the same vision of life. We have the same view on how to paint the walls in the house, raise children and conduct business. This reflects our European mentality.

It's much easier to move in a close-knit company

Fear of "not fitting in" arises only because everyone tries to do it alone. From a lack of understanding of the situation, chances of establishing themselves in place are limited.

By moving together to cities and villages, we not only successfully organize our lives and own lives, but also preserve ourselves. Our language, culture and traditions. Enriching the new society, we do not dissolve in it.

This approach also creates a comfortable and cozy life in a new place.

Why do you want to go back?

We have lost our development prospects. A lot of people in Europe are so depressed that they can't see a break in this haze.

No sense of home. "I'm not needed here." Having lived in Europe for decades, you still don't have a sense of homeland.

You understand that "something is happening". Intuition works: it's time to leave.

Your children don't know who they belong to. Why do they want to go to Russia, even though they've never been there?

You got your freedom, but you lost your meaning. We paid off the loan for the house, bought a car, and achieved the well-being that we were striving for. And you ask yourself the question: what's next? There is no integrity in life, and there is no peace in the soul

Without training, people come to Russia and get lost

For some, it's a new world. Everything gets easier and easier in the community. And if you follow the path of separation, then 90% of failure is guaranteed. And depression

Are you running from what and to what? Which region is right for you? What is the purpose of your move? What do you expect from him? We in the community help you find this point B.

We are creating an "adapter" between life in Europe and Russia. And we do it right away, at the start. A team of competent specialists works together with you, which supports you visibly and invisibly.

"Having walked this path twice, I know exactly
what I'm talking about and what I'm doing"

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Window to Russia

Saint Petersburg

We speak Russian, German and English

ИНН: 0400021936

БИК: 044030786
Кор. счёт: 30101810600000000786
Номер карты: 2200150734616268
Номер счёта: 40702810332000016972
Валюта: RUR

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